Why Choose Us

Our Story

We are a tea brand who has been in tea plantation since 1995. We are ardent tea lovers and with so many years of being in the backend now we decided to come up with our own brand and market it. A mindfully curated marketplace for homegrown, handpicked & earth friendly products. Lead a healthy lifestyle with Spice’O’Ganica tasty, flavorsome and healthy infusions. Premium herbal teas and spices provides health in your life. The exotic herbal teas from Darjeeling & doors & premium spices from god’s own country Kerala.

Our Vision

It saddens us to see how so many adultartions in food items and how every thing is chemically treated and is harming the customer more that being of any benefit to them.

Our Mission

We want to educate our customer about the value and benefits of natural ingredients and how the chemically treated items have brought our lives at the threshold of danger and risk of multiple lifestyle diseases.

Choose Your Healthy Tea

Flavours Of Health

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

These lifestyle diseases….as the name suggests are due to poor lifestyle choices and can be treated by simple corrections and modification in both our diet and way of living.Our teas and spices are 100perct natural and are enriched with the Ayurveda recipes for various conditions. Not only this can help us heal but also maintain the betterment of our health both from inside and outside.
